Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Contest Reminder and Search for Other Contests!

As usual, a little plug for the 2nd Hypnosis Contest that is going on - caps are due Monday, but based on low turnout so far I might extend this in the future. This theme was requested by a decent number of people, so I'm really hoping that people are just waiting until the weekend to step up!

Also, I wanted to hear from other people if there are other caption contests hosted in other location that people participate in or are aware of. I know that Leila has started a few contests (and has one ongoing currently!) and that Rachel's Haven always has a monthly contest for members. But if there are other sites let me know, because I'd like to check them out myself and maybe plug them on this site to give everyone more contests to caption in!

Thanks for any feedback regarding this,
Elena Starz

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